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How to Uninstall Windows 11 (23H2)

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If you have upgraded to Windows 11 23H2 and have encountered an error where you cannot start your PC, then today, in this article, we will be sharing a guide on uninstalling Windows 11 23H2. You also have the option to roll back to the previous version of Windows 11 through the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE).


Uninstalling Windows 11 23H2 and rolling back depends on how you upgraded your Windows to Windows 11 23H2.

  • Upgrades from 22H2 to 23H2 can be uninstalled through Uninstall the Latest Quality Updates.
  • Upgrades to Windows 10 can be easily uninstalled through the latest feature update.
  • You cannot roll back after ten days of upgrading.
  • A clean installation cannot be used to downgrade or roll back.

How to Uninstall the Windows 11 23H2 Update

If your computer still needs to install it, it is pretty straightforward to uninstall Windows 11 23H2 after upgrading from Windows 11 22H2.

  • Power on your PC; it should always show the blue Windows logo.
  • Press the Power button to break the booting process, then shut down your computer.
  • Keep powering on and off with the power button, which will take you to the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE).
  • On that screen, the Advanced Options button will open and then go to Troubleshooting.
  • After that, click on Uninstall Updates and then the Uninstall Latest Quality Updates option.
  • If it asks for administrator access, enter the password and click Uninstall Quality Updates to remove Windows 11 23H2.

This is how you can uninstall Windows 11 23H2 and roll back to the previous version installed on your computer.

How to roll back Windows 11 (23H2) to Windows 10

If you have upgraded your Windows 10 to Windows 11, you can uninstall the latest version by following these steps:

  • Press the power button on your PC to start it, which will then show the blue Windows logo.
  • Press the power button again to interrupt the boot process, and keep doing it until it goes to WinRE.
  • Click on the Advanced Options button, and then click on Advanced Options.
  • Head over to Uninstall Update and click on the Uninstall Latest Feature Update option.
  • It may ask you to enter your credentials for signing in. Then click on the Uninstall Feature Update button to uninstall Windows 11 (23H2).

You can uninstall Windows 11 (23H2) if you upgrade from Windows 10. If Windows 11 23H2 is causing any issues, you can easily roll back to Windows 11 22H2, 21H2, or Windows 10 with the following instructions:

Uninstall Windows 11 (23H2) from Windows Update.

You can easily roll back without losing your files, which is helpful, especially if it is causing issues.

  • Open Device Settings, and then head over to Windows Update.
  • Head over to the Update History tab, and then under Related Settings, you can uninstall updates.
  • There, you can uninstall updates under Feature Update to Windows 23H2 via the Enablement Package.

Uninstall Windows 11 23H2 from Recovery Settings.

To uninstall 23H2 using the Installation Assistant Tool, using the upgrade method, or from Windows 10:

  • Open Windows Settings, then head to System in the right corner.
  • Next, click on the Recovery page on the right side and click on Go Back under the Recovery Option.
  • Choose why you want to uninstall Windows 11 23H2, then click on the Next button, and then No Thanks.
  • Click on the Next button, and then click on the Next button again.
  • Now, click on the Go back to an earlier build button to uninstall, and then it will start rebooting to get into the previous build of Windows 11.

So, this is how you can uninstall the Windows 11 23H2 update, which will be removed. If it does not show the option for recovery, it means the option is no longer available on this PC.


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