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How to Hide Root from Apps via Magisk DenyList on Android 13

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Rooting an Android device opens up a world of endless possibilities and customization options. However, it also comes with a few downsides, one of which is triggering SafetyNet. When SafetyNet detects a rooted device, certain apps and games refuse to function, especially those in the financial and security sectors. This can be quite frustrating for users who want to enjoy the benefits of both root access and fully operational apps. MagiskHide used to be the go-to solution for hiding root status, but recent changes have left us searching for alternatives. Thankfully, the vibrant open-source community has come to our rescue with the Magisk DenyList feature. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to hide root access from apps and games using Magisk DenyList on Android 13.

Before Applying the SafetyNet Fix

SafetyNet becomes a major obstacle for rooted Android devices, causing certain apps to lose functionality. Apps related to financial transactions and secure communications are especially sensitive to the rooted status. This led to the introduction of MagiskHide, which is unfortunately no longer available in the Magisk app.

After applying the SafetyNet fix

The removal of MagiskHide doesn’t mean the end of the road for hiding root access. The enterprising developers of the open-source community have introduced Zygisk, which paved the way for the DenyList feature. With this feature, you can confidently conceal your root status from apps and games, ensuring smooth operation without any hindrance. Let’s dive into the step-by-step process and regain control of your rooted Android 13 device.

Prerequisites for Hiding the Root

Before embarking on this journey, make sure your device meets the following prerequisites:

  1. The device must pass the SafetyNet Test, which can be achieved through the Universal SafetyNet Fix or the Magisk Hide Props Config module.
  2. As a precautionary measure, back up your device’s data to safeguard against any unexpected challenges.

Step 1: Pass the SafetyNet

Before proceeding with the magic of hiding root access, it’s crucial to ensure that your device passes the SafetyNet Test. This step is essential for preparing your device for the root-concealing process.

Step 2: Enable Zygisk and enforce the DenyList

  1. Get ready to unleash the enchantment by launching the Magisk app on your device. With excitement brewing, locate the Settings icon in the top right corner and tap on it.
  2. The real magic begins as you scroll down to the Magick section. Here, enable the toggles for Zygisk and enforce DenyList.
  3. To set the magic in motion, restart your device. Once the reboot is complete, verify that the Zygisk status gleefully displays “yes” under Magisk.

Step 3: Configure the DenyList

  1. The moment of choice has arrived. Within the Magisk Settings menu, tap on “Configure a DenyList.”
  2. It’s time to reveal your chosen ones. Check out the apps that will remain blissfully unaware of your device’s root status.
  3. Embark on a deeper exploration by tapping on the overflow icon at the top right. Select “Show System App.”
  4. Behold the hidden gems! Among them, check out Google Play Protect Services, Google Play Services, Google Play Store, and Google Service Framework.
  5. Dive deeper still, and explore each of these apps to checkmark all their associated services.

Step 4: Hide the Magisk App

  1. As we venture further into the mystical process, we return to the Magisk settings menu. Now, tap on “Hide the Magisk App.”
  2. Embrace your creative side as you give the hiding process the name of your choosing. Confirm your decision with a resolute “OK,” and watch the magic unfold.
  3. As the enchantment completes, a decision awaits. Would you like to have the app shortcut on your home screen? Embrace convenience with a magical “yes” and tap on “Add to Home Screen.”

Step 5: Delete the Play Service and Play Store Data

  1. We’re drawing close to the conclusion of this magical quest. Navigate to Settings > Apps > See All Apps.
  2. Uncover the magic within the Google Play Service and proceed to its Storage and Cache section.
  3. With a wave of your wand, tap on “Manage Space” and choose “Clear All Data.”
  4. Channel your energy into the Google Play Store next. In its sacred Storage and Cache section, tap on “Clear Storage” and confirm your decision with a resolute “OK.”
  5. Conclude your magical journey with a final flourish. Restart your device to witness the enchantment unfold.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully unlocked the secrets of hiding root access to apps and games using the magnificent Magisk DenyList. Now, as you launch your chosen apps, they shall remain blissfully unaware of your device’s rooted status, providing you with a seamless and unrestricted experience on your Android 13 device.


Will hiding roots have any unintended consequences?

Rest assured, the magical enchantment of Magisk DenyList ensures that the vast majority of apps and games will function seamlessly. However, some particularly discerning apps may sense faint traces of enchantment.

Can I root my device without risk?

Like all magical quests, rooting a device comes with a hint of risk. Proceed with caution, and remember that every enchantment has its consequences.

What happens if my device doesn’t pass SafetyNet?

Fear not, the journey does not end here. Follow the guide on How to Pass SafetyNet on Rooted Android 12/13 to unleash the magic within.

Is Magisk DenyList completely foolproof?

While the magic of Magisk DenyList is powerful, some exceptionally vigilant apps may still sense the remnants of enchantment. Be mindful of this possibility.

Can I reverse the hiding process if needed?

Like all magical enchantments, this one, too, can be reversed. Head to the Magisk DenyList section, and with a wave of your wand (or a simple tap), undo the magic as needed.


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