
Being available on numerous social media platforms seems helpful in connecting with people across the globe. However, there is also a dark side to this. I mean to say that there are no social media platforms except LinkedIn or similar ones that don’t notify you if someone is stalking you. Especially when it comes to Instagram, it is much harder to find out who is silently stalking you. I agree that Instagram has many privacy features, but we must be aware of them.

Especially when it comes to Instagram, where numerous unwanted stalking cases have been showcased, such things have become much needed. In daily life, we usually ignore these stalkings, but we have already seen multiple cases in which Delhi police arrested a 22-year-old boy for stalking a woman. From such cases, Instagram users are now more aware of these things. So, here we will guide you on how to know if someone is stalking you on Instagram.

How to know if someone stalked you on Instagram

If you look over the privacy settings on Instagram, you will find plenty of settings related to who can view your stories, send you DMs, like your posts, and many more. But all those things seem like a suffocated environment on Instagram. After all, these social media platforms are initially made to connect with people. If everyone uses those restricted privacy settings, then it would be some limited space.

On the other hand, we also cannot ignore unwanted stalking because no one knows the intention of the person stalking you. Meanwhile, neither do we allow such restricted privacy settings nor do we allow such stalking. For this thing, the simple solution is to know which person is stalking you on Instagram. This doesn’t seem easy because Instagram doesn’t have such a specific feature. For this, below, we are sharing a few ways to figure out who is stalking you.

Take a look at the heart icon.

Instagram has a heart icon that shows who interacts with your profile, whether through likes, comments, or anything else. Meanwhile, such a section shows you your complete profile interaction. This seems the easiest and foremost way to know who is stalking you on Instagram. However, it doesn’t show users who viewed your story or post. This way, you can find those unwanted users by seeing any unwanted likes or comments. If such a thing happens, then it seems like a red flag that you need to be alert to such a person.

Figure out unwanted views on your story.

On Instagram, stories are the mere thing through which unwanted people try to stalk you because these are the instant way to unveil yourself across the globe. However, there is an option to show such stories to limited people, but here comes the same question you may lose the chance to connect with new people. So, to prevent such Instagram stalking, figure out unwanted views on your Instagram story and be cautious of such users. Note that Instagram stories and their views only live for 24 hours, so figure it out before missing out on those 24 hours.

class="wp-block-heading">Evaluate from Instagram Insights

I understand this feature is limited to some Instagram users as the Instagram insight feature is available to creator and business accounts. But numerous female creators need to be aware of Instagram stalking. Ideally, they ignore such a feature and unnecessarily get tensed about such stalking. But in reality, they have the best feature, which is to have a complete overview of their Instagram activity. Those insights show you who viewed your Instagram account and what interaction they do.

Besides these ways, you have one option to know Instagram stalkers is third-party apps. As they directly focus on tracking only stalkers on your Instagram account. But I recommend you not to go with them as today malware practices are increasing, and leaving our personal Instagram on the trust of such apps could be a major risk. Instead, you should take the benefits of privacy settings to the extent to which you are comfortable. And do follow the above ways to find Instagram stalkers and take action against them if anything goes wrong.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can you tell when someone stalks Instagram?

Ans. You can do the above ways to know who stalks your Instagram profile.

Q2. Can someone see that I viewed their Instagram story if I’m private?

Ans. You can see the person who viewed your Instagram unless the other has viewed it under an incognito tab.

Q3. Can you see who viewed your story after 24 hours?

Ans. After 24 hours, you can only see who liked your Instagram Story.

Q4. Why is the same person always at the bottom of my Instagram story views?

Ans. It means that the person is following you, but you don’t follow them.
