
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into various methods to resolve the issue of the Home App not working on Cellular Data on iOS 17. The Home app, designed by the Cupertino giant, seamlessly integrates smart home devices, offering control and convenience. From securing doors at night to monitoring live cameras, from adjusting lights at sunset to initiating your coffee maker, it has met users’ needs effortlessly. However, some users are currently grappling with an issue where the Home app fails to function on cellular data. While it works flawlessly on WiFi, switching to cellular data renders it nonfunctional, rendering their automation efforts useless. If you’re facing a similar predicament, read on for a guide on potential workarounds to rectify this bug.

Home App not working on Cellular Data

It’s advisable to try each of the below-mentioned workarounds to determine the one that brings success. Let’s dive into the solutions.

1. Restart Active Hub Device

  • Click on the overflow icon in the Home app.
  • Navigate to Home Settings and click on Home Hub & Bridge.
  • Identify the active Hub device and restart it.
  • Check if the Home App is now working on Cellular Data on iOS 17.

2. Reset Network

Network configuration issues may lead to this problem. Resetting the network to factory default may help, but be cautious as it erases all saved WiFi networks, passwords, cellular settings, VPN, and APN settings. Follow these steps:

  • Go to Settings > General.
  • Access Transfer or Reset iPhone > Reset.
  • Tap on Reset Network Settings.
  • Check if the Home App functions on Cellular Data on iOS 17.

3. Reinstall Home App

If the previous methods didn’t resolve the issue, reinstalling the Home App is the final course of action. Note that this will delete all automations, so take necessary backups.

  • Uninstall the Home app from your device.
  • Reinstall it from the App Store.
  • Set it up again, and the issue should be resolved.

That’s it. These methods should help fix the issue of the Home App not working on Cellular Data on iOS 17. If you encounter any challenges or have questions about the steps, feel free to let us know in the comments. We’ll respond with a solution at the earliest.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is my Home App not working on cellular data on iOS 17?

  • The issue may arise due to various factors, including network configuration glitches or conflicts. The following solutions are provided to address this specific problem.

2. What should I do if restarting the active hub device doesn’t solve the issue?

  • If restarting the hub device doesn’t resolve the problem, proceed with the network reset and reinstalling the Home App, as detailed in the guide.

3. Will resetting network settings erase all my data?

  • Yes, resetting network settings will remove saved WiFi networks, passwords, cellular settings, VPN, and APN settings. Ensure you have the necessary information before proceeding.

4. Can I reinstall the Home App without losing my automations?

  • Unfortunately, reinstalling the Home App will delete all automations. Consider taking backups via third-party apps or screenshots before uninstalling.

class="wp-block-heading">5. What if I face difficulties following the provided solutions?

  • If you encounter challenges or have questions about the steps outlined in the guide, feel free to comment. We’ll respond promptly to assist you in resolving the issue.
