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How can I delete all my Facebook posts in one click? -Quickly Delete Old Facebook Posts.

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If you have been using Facebook for a long time, then there is a higher probability that you might have a trash post. In this case, you might up saving the post as private, therefore today, we are going to help you delete all the Facebook posts on Facebook.

Facebook has officially announced its bulk-deleting Facebook post so far from your Mobile application. Not to mention, It was quite easier to allow you to delete the Facebook post in bulk. In contrast, it gives a quick guide to help with a faster deleting of Facebook posts.

How to bulk delete Facebook posts?

  1. Open your Profile page and click on the burger menu also refers to the three-dot menu placed the Next to the “Add to Story.”
  2. Now, tap on your “Activity Log” placed on the upper side, labeled with a “Manage Activity.”
  3. Manage Activity pop-up, then select “Your Posts.”
  4. After then, you will find some menu as Filters, Receive, and Trash.
  5. Therefore, use the filter to categorize what you want to delete, such as Text only, Photos, Videos, Dates, or links. After filtering, select the post that you want to delete. Simply use the checkbox.
  6. Then, click on the “Trash” button to delete the post.
  7. That’s it.

I hope you it was really helpful for you, and you have successfully deleted the files that you don’t want. Meanwhile, you can also view the Restore Archive, so if you want to permanently delete, make sure you have deleted the Facebook post permanently.

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