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How to Fix the Chrome White Screen Flash Issue When Reloading Pages on Android

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In this comprehensive guide, we will explore various methods to resolve the white-screen flash problem that occurs when reloading pages in Chrome for Android. Chrome, the renowned browser from the Silicon Valley giant, is undoubtedly one of the most useful pre-installed apps on Android devices. However, despite its usefulness, it occasionally faces a few challenges, one of which is the white-screen flash.

Understanding Chrome and White Screen Flash

Numerous users have reported experiencing a white-screen flash or flickering when they reload or refresh a page in the Chrome browser on their Android devices. This issue, often referred to as the ‘white-screen flash problem ‘, gives the impression of someone suddenly taking a screenshot. It’s a common bug that can be quite frustrating. If you are currently facing this issue, don’t worry; this guide will assist you in resolving it. Let’s delve into the solutions.

Solution 1: Switch to the Desktop Site

Several users have found that this issue does not occur when they open websites in desktop mode. Although it might not provide the best mobile experience, opting for desktop mode can prevent white-screen flash from happening. To try this solution, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Chrome and open the desired website.
  2. Tap on the overflow icon in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Desktop Mode” and observe the results.

Solution 2: Use Incognito Mode

The white-screen flash problem also does not manifest when using Chrome in Incognito Mode. However, using Incognito Mode means your browsing session will not be saved or synced with your Google account. If that is acceptable to you, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Chrome.
  2. Tap on the plus icon and choose “New Incognito Mode.”
  3. Check if this resolves the white-screen flash when reloading pages on your Android device.

Solution 3: Switch accounts

Some users have reported that switching to a different Google account eliminates the white-screen flash issue. If you have multiple Google accounts, you can try this solution using the following steps:

  1. Launch Chrome and tap on your profile in the top left corner.
  2. Tap on your current Google account.
  3. Select your second Google account or click “Add account.”
  4. Browse Chrome using the newly selected account and check if the issue persists.

Solution 4: Downgrade Chrome

TheGoogle’s latest update to the Chrome app is causing the problem. You must downgrade the app to its earliest stable version to rectify it. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Go to Settings > Apps > See All Apps > Google Chrome.
  2. Tap on the overflow icon and select “Uninstall Updates” > OK.
  3. Scroll down and tap on “App Details.”
  4. You will be directed to Chrome’s Play Store page.
  5. Tap on the overflow icon and uncheck “Enable Auto-Update.”
  6. Check if this resolves the issue.


These four different methods should help you fix the white-screen flash issue when reloading pages in Chrome for Android. If you have questions about the steps mentioned above, or if you’re not comfortable with any of the solutions, feel free to share them in the comments section. We will respond promptly with suitable solutions.


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