
The PlayStation and Xbox series have a wide range of upgrades, and each update improves the platform’s stability. Likewise, PlayStation 5 has been found to be an enhanced upgrade over PlayStation 4. The GTA Series has a distinct impact because it has a few features that magnify adventure on the PS5 rather than the PS4.

With regards to that gameplay experience, the various PS4 and Xbox One players are looking for a simple procedure for transferring their GTA 5 from PS4 to PS5. But, unfortunately, the various articles on the web are found to be hesitating for them. As a result, we have prepared a few steps that might be helpful for them.

How to Transfer GTA 5 and GTA Online from PS4/Xbox One Consoles to PS5/Xbox Series Consoles

Despite the fact that the PS4 was introduced with many of its unique capabilities for providing users with special treatment while playing, But, after the entry of the PS5 into the PlayStation genre, everything got loved for that series only. The GTA Online Series also has a fantastic add-on of the same name. For all of these reasons, many PS4 users are considering upgrading to the all-new PS5 in order to experience the thrilling effects of GTA.

Moreover, there are already various sites on the web that explain the transfer procedure for the same concern. All of these procedures, however, are very confusing and a hindrance to general users.For that reason, we have gathered a few important pieces of information regarding the same and tried to mention them in some easy steps. So, without taking any more time, let’s move ahead with the below-stated instructions.

While doing the transfer process, keep in mind to not close GTA 5 or turn off your console. As a result, you may encounter some issues with it.

  • Start by logging into GTA Online on your PS4 or console.
  • Next, press pause and head to the game tab.
  • Then, choose the option to upload your game save to the Rockstar Social Club cloud servers.
  • Load up GTA Online on your PS5 or Xbox Series X.
  • Next, navigate to the Game tab under the Pause menu.
  • Then, choose the option to download your game save and transfer your GTA Online character to your new console.
  • Afterward, wait for some time for transfer completion.
  • That’s it. You will be able to play GTA Online on your PS5 in a few seconds.

Hopefully, we can now expect that you all have accurate content about how to transfer GTA 5 and GTA Online from PS4/Xbox One to PS5/Xbox Series consoles. It is also well-known that the satisfaction steps required to carry out the aforementioned concern are well-known.With regards to this, if any user has any queries, please share them with us in the comment section below.
