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How can I update all Samsung Good Lock modules at once?

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Samsung’s Good Lock is one of the most useful tools to enhance the Galaxy user experience. So if you are one of those users who have installed multiple Good Lock modules and have updates available, the company has released a new update to Samsung’s Good Lock that overall improves the quality of life. Today, in this article, we will be sharing an in-depth guide on how to update all Samsung Good Lock modules. However, before continuing, ensure you have updated your Samsung Good Lock to the latest version. So, without further ado, let’s look at it.

Samsung Good Lock offers multiple customization options and improves the user experience when using Galaxy devices. There are several modules to check, such as the recently released Smart Switch Support. To update all of your Good Lock modules, first, you need to update Good Lock to the latest version. You can download the latest version of the Samsung Good Lock Module from the button below.

  • Launch the Good Lock Module.
  • Tap on the triple vertical line and look for the new “N.”
  • Select the option for “Update all plugins.”
  • Click on it, and it will open the Good Lock page on the Galaxy Store and start installing all available updates.
  • That’s it!

You can view all the updates under the “Update” button in the list of modules. Not to mention, this is just a small update, but this small integration is making it easier for users to update all the available modules. This could be further improved in the future with support for automatic updates and installations or notifications about new updates to make users aware of them.

Good lock modules

Some of the popular Good Lock modules are One Hand Operation+, Theme Park, KeysCafe, Clockface, NotiStar, NiceShot, LockStar, Home Up, QuickStar, NotiStar, SoundAssistant, Wonderland, NavStar, and MultiStar, and these all work with One UI 5.0.


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