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How to Uninstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 or 2019

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If you have been using Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 or 2019 on your Windows device and encountered some errors, after doing a lot of troubleshooting, if it still shows the same error, you will want to remove the MS Office elements from your computer and reinstall them. Today, in this article, we will be sharing an in-depth guide, and it is quite straightforward, so follow the instructions carefully. Without further ado, let’s check it out.

Uninstalling from the Settings menu in Windows 10

  • In Windows Settings, go to Apps & Features.
  • From there, choose Microsoft Office 365 or other Microsoft products that you want to install.
  • After you’ve made your choice, click Uninstall.
  • Next, click the Uninstall button once more, and then follow the on-screen wizard instructions to complete MS Office uninstallation.
  • That’s all!

Alternative: You can uninstall the software from the control panel and uninstall the MS Suite from the program and feature option page.

Completely install MS Suite with Recovery Assistant.

It is the best way to completely reassemble all the elements of the MS suit. This brings your PC to its clearest state after clearing the MS Suit from your office.

  • Download and install the Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant tool, or use Uninstall Office.
  • When the UAC (User Access Control) pop-up appears, click Install.
  • Click “Agree” to confirm your action, and then select the Office product from the list that you want to uninstall.
  • After checking the product box, click Next, and then check the box next to “I have saved all of my work, closed all open Office applications, and stopped any other setup program.”
  • Click Next, then click Restart.
  • Restart your computer once the cleaning process is complete.
  • That’s all!

Not to mention, the Microsoft 365 subscription will no longer be available on your system, but you can reinstall it. Hopefully, this article remains helpful for you, and you have successfully uninstalled Microsoft 365, Office 2021, or 2019 from your Windows 10 PCs. Thanks for being with us. We would like to get your valuable opinion and feedback. If there is any query, please share it with us in the comment section below. Keep an eye out for future updates on the subject.


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