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Is rice a potential solution for the wet iPhone?

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In today’s household, it happens with numerous users scrolling through Instagram and enjoying a latte at their favorite cafe, but suddenly disaster knocks. I am talking about situations when your phone slips into the depths of a drink or anything wet. I know some of you pace up your minds and go with the old-age advice of putting your phone in between meals. But wait, is that the best course of action?

See, turning your phone into rice might be more harmful than good. As recent studies from Apple and independent tech experts revealed, rice is largely ineffective and can even trap moisture in your phone. From there, there could be chances of corrosion and permanent damage. So the point comes: what safe thing exactly should I try? Just look below to get an answer.

Why is rice not the answer?

It is completely inevitable to say that fixing a wet phone, or here specifically, an iPhone, is harmful. However, if we understand why rice is not the answer to such situations, then conversely, we can find safe techniques to fix that wet iPhone. So on. I tried to figure it out, and after analyzing different opinions from expert bodies like Apple itself, rice seemed like a harmless solution. It is surprisingly bad at drying your phone’s internal components. 

I agree that rice will absorb the water, but there are chances that tiny water droplets can be scattered throughout your phone. Some may be nestled between circuits and inside ports. I mean, rice’s brains are large and clunky; therefore, they can only absorb surface moisture, not the hidden culprit causing problems. You can take it the same way as trying to mop up a spill with pebbles instead of a sponge.

The concern is not only that rice can trap any remaining moisture from your phone, which can further result in short circuits, permanent damage, and data loss. Because of these risks, Apple itself advises against using rice. Similarly, independent research bodies like USA Today confirm the same advice. 

Steps for Safe and Effective Drying

Now you have the answer and can reasonably understand why rice should be a viable solution for a wet iPhone. But what next? It does mean we use our data and our phones. No, because alongside giving opinions on fixing iPhones from rice, Apple and even such independent research bodies gave some alternative methods that you can try. So based on those observations, below I am sharing the required steps to be taken post-iPhone wet.

Note: Remember, the more you delay in action, the more risk is associated with the risk that your iPhone will lose hope of getting back.

Step 1: Power down and evacuate.

The foremost thing an iPhone user should do just after the phone gets wet is turn off the iPhone immediately. So that the chances of any short circuit get down. Alongside removing additional accessories you have put on your iPhone, like cases, screen protectors, and headphones, they trap moisture that hinders drying.

Step 2: Gently dry the surface.

Now get a software-lint-free microfiber cloth and pat the exterior of the iPhone gently. Also, note that you shouldn’t use paper towels, as they can cause scratches. While patting the exterior with a microfiber cloth, focus on the ports, buttons, and seams. Don’t run them here, as it can push water deeper inside.

Step 3: Arrange Silica Gel 

You should know that Silica Gel is one of those little bags found in packages intended to remove moisture that we formerly called moisture magnets. At this moment, you need to place your iPhone in a dry, airtight container along with plenty of silica gel packets. Here, ensure that those packets surround the iPhone. 

Step 4: Wait for 48 hours and attempt a boot.

In this phase, you will get the answer to whether your phone will get back or not. Here, after keeping the iPhone in an airtight container surrounded by silica gel packets, you need to wait for at least 48 hours. However, you can increase the period, as the longer the period, the better the results. So this was all with which you can keep a wet iPhone. 

What not to do after your iPhone is wet?

At this moment, you have a rough idea of what not to do if your iPhone gets wet. But to get things under control, you should know what not to do after the rain. As it reduces the chances that we lose our iPhone due to wetness. Note that below I am sharing what not to do after your iPhone gets wet.

  • Do not use a hairdryer or heat on your wet iPhone, as hot air can warp internet components and even melt parts.
  • Do not plug in your wet iPhone, as it could result in a short circuit.
  • Do not ever try to turn on your iPhone after it gets wet.


In summary, we can say that here I have outlined the key reasons to avoid using rice and emphasized the importance of safe alternatives to prevent potential damage to electronic devices. Whether it’s due to the risk of moisture absorption or potential damage to internal components, opting for alternatives like silica gel packets or specialized drying agents is crucial for device maintenance and longevity. I encourage readers to share their experiences or ask questions in the comments section below. 

Frequently asked questions

Q1. Should I put my iPhone in rice if it gets wet?

Ans. No, as it has a harsh effect on your phone. 

Q2. What is the best way to dry out a wet iPhone?

Ans. Just place the device in front of a fan blowing cool air directly into the lightning.

Q3. What happens if the iPhone gets wet?

Ans. Unplug your phone and keep your phone turned off.

Q4. Does rice help dry your iPhone?

Ans. It can help dry your iPhone, but there are potential chances that it can harm the phone’s internal components.