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Android TV OS can be installed and run on both Windows and Mac OS/Linux computers.

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So, if you want to enjoy watching TV on your computer and wonder how to install and use Android TV OS, it is quite easy by simply install a virtual environment through a sub-system on a Windows, Mac, or Linux OS-based PC. For this, you don’t have to change the ext4, flash USB, or change the format.

In this guide, we will be using Android Studio since it has a TV category inside a virtual device manager and is also available across all major platforms, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.

How to Install Android TV on Your PC

There are multiple solutions available to install Android TV on Windows. Below, we will use a virtual machine to create a virtual environment to install Android TV on a PC.

  • Start with downloading Android Studio, and then start the installation. (While installing, ensure you have the checkbox for the Android Virtual Device.)
  • After finishing the installation, open and then click on More Actions.
  • Select Virtual Device Manager, and then click on the Device Manager window that appears in the
  • The device’s upper-right corner.
  • Select “Create Device” and then choose display resolution.
  • Once you create a device with the resolution, it’s time to choose the Android device version (switch to the X86 image tab), and then click on Download.
  • After downloading, Android Studio will automatically start installing the files on your PC.
  • After it finishes, it asks for some configuration, but you can set the settings to default in the Virtual Device Configuration Window. 
  • Now, click on the Play button that appears next to your Android 12 TV instance to start booting Android TV, which takes about 1-2 minutes.
  • Once the botting is done, it will ask you to add your Google account and then click on Add Account to sign in. 
  • That’s it!

Now you can enjoy watching Android TV on your computer using your keyboard to navigate the TV remote button. It is easier, and smoother, and gives you a great way to enjoy the Android TV experience on your computer. You can install the OTT platform, but some apps are not available for use in an emulator environment like Netflix. That’s it!


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