
As one of the world’s leading smart wearables technology companies, Fitbit has served the world for the last 16 years. They initially developed a Fitness tracker that tracked your steps with a 3-axis accelerometer. From that point on, Fitbit grew viral globally and at that time Fitbit surpassed its rivals. You know the history that last decade they sold millions of units and had around 111 million registered users.

However, it has automatic time zone detection based on its location. On the other hand, when we are traveling to a different time zone or changing the clock for daylight savings, the wearable’s time itself is incorrect. But Fitbit users think that their wearable has some serious problems and troubling a lot. For such users, we came up with this guide to let you know how to change the time on your Fitbit.

How to Change the Time on Your Fitbit Device

You see, Fitbit’s time gets disturbed when you travel to a different time zone or change the clock during daylight savings time. For both these things, the only solution is to sync them with your phone. Fitbit support also said the same thing. So, here we will tell you the instructions to sync Fitbit to your phone, let’s get started it.

Method 1: Sync Your Fitbit

The Fitbit automatically syncs the entire day’s data at the end of the day. But sometimes it does not happen because Bluetooth was turned off, you are connecting two devices at the same time or You are connecting an Xbox One Console with it. So, Reach out for this concern. Below we share instructions to manually sync the Fitbit and change its time.

  1. Simply, turn on your Fitbit.
  2.  Enable Bluetooth on your phone.
  3.  Using a Fitbit nearby, open the health and fitness app and tap today.
  4.  Next press and hold on to the app screen and pull down on your screen.
  5.  That’s it, your Fitbit is now synced.

Method 2: Change the time on Fitbit Manually

Even after syncing the Fitbit, the time remains unchanged, so the only solution is to manually set it. I am aware that this is a common occurrence, but most of you don’t know how to change the time on Fitbit manually. Fitbit’s app is available on Android and iOS. So, let’s learn the steps to follow each of them.

Change your time on Android

  1. Open the Fitbit app on your device.
  2.  Tap on the profile photo that appears in a tiny circle.
  3.  Next tap on app settings >> Toggle off Automatic Time Zone.
  4.  Select your time zone and sync the wearable.
  5.  That’s it, you are done.

Change your time on iOS

  1. Launch the Fitbit App.
  2.  Click on your profile photo in the top left corner.
  3.  Now navigate to App Settings >> Time Zone.
  4.  Then disable the automatic setting option and select a time zone.
  5.  Lastly, sync your device and you are done.

Change your Fitbit time on the Web

  1. Visit and log in to your account.
  2.  Click on the gear icon appearing on the dashboard.
  3.  Choose settings >> personal info >> Time Zone (under advanced settings).
  4.  Select your time zone and click on Submit.
  5.  Lastly, sync your tracker and the time will change.

Therefore, Fitbit has plenty of options, but its time zone is disrupted due to interruptions or your fault. But you can sync it or manually change the time. With these simple actions, your Fitbit will get back to the correct time zone. Now I hope you have successfully changed the time on your Fitbit. In addition to the above explanation, if any users have any questions, you can still ask them all in the section below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Can i manually change the time on my Fitbit?

Ans. You can manually change the time on your Fitbit with the help of above mentioned instructions.

Q2. Why is my Fitbit Clock not syncing?

Ans. There can be many reasons like bluetooth was not enabled or Fitbit App is Outdated. For this, You can troubleshoot the bluetooth settings, reinstall the Fitbit App or Update the Fitbit to the its latest version.

Q3. How do i change the time on my Fitbit without app?

Ans. You can do that from Fitbit’s official website. 

Q4. Can Fitbit work without Fitbit app?

Ans. It will work but to use it wisely we recommend you to use Fitbit app, as it gives your more transparency in terms of Step tracking, Sleep monitoring and more.
