
While creating a Microsoft account, many users further regret that they wrongly spelt their name or
want to update a new name. But, now with Windows 11, you can change your account name in the
manner that fits your account type. Because Some users like to have more privacy with their accounts.
Whereas, some want a little name instead of a long one entered while creating an account.
Regardless of these reasons, Windows 11 allowed its users to update the account name in different
ways, depending on the account type they use. But, we know it could be a hard procedure for some
users. For that purpose, here we have prepared a guide helping you in updating your Microsoft Account

How do I Change Account Name On Windows 11

If you have ever noticed, while creating a Microsoft account the PC shows you the name from an online
account. In such a case, You need to customize online settings to allow Windows for changing the
account name. But, Since the Update, numerous Windows users shifted to Windows 11. And, They are
unknown with changing account name feature. So, below we have mentioned some instructions for
changing your name on Windows 11.

Note: After Step 4, You may be asked to Sign-into your Microsoft account. So, Feel free to re-sign your
Microsoft account for cross-verification.

  1. Simply, head over to your PC Settings.
  2. Locate Accounts and Click on it.
  3. Then, Click on Your Info Page.
  4. Under the Related Settings Section, Click on Manage my account option.
  5. Now, Click on the Your Info Tab.
  6. Under Current name, Click on the Edit name option.
  7. Next, Type Your New First and last name.
  8. Then, Verify the action via Captcha code.
  9. Now, Click on the Save button and Restart Your PC.
  10. That’s it, Your new name will be displayed on every Microsoft service.

Besides that, You can also change your account name through Microsoft official Page. Either there are
some more pathways to do the same. It includes changing the account name through the control panel
and more. But, we found that changing your account with system settings could be easier, especially for
a normal user.

Altogether, With this guide, you are now capable to change your account name on Windows 11.
Because we have mentioned the simple procedure for such an action. Alongside, we have also provided
some other Pathways for doing the same. Even that, if you any user encountering any issues with it.
Then, feel free to comment in the below section.
