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How to uninstall Nahimic Companion to prevent it from reinstalling automatically

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Nahimic Companion is simply an application that comes along with the Nahimic Audio Driver. Whenever you download the audio driver, which is usually pre-installed on your PC, the Nahimic audio driver always delivers the highest quality audio. Moreover, some users are facing some specific issues with this audio driver.

Furthermore, we thoroughly analyzed the whole issue and found that the audio driver does not deliver audio while watching any video. For this reason, many users want to remove the Nahimic Companion app, which regulates their driving. But they don’t know the procedure to remove it.

Malfunctioning Nahimic Audio Drivers: Here are the steps to remove the Nahimic Companion App.

As we mentioned above, the Nahimic Audio driver has some malfunction issues for which users want to remove the Nahimic Companion App from their PC. So, below, we have mentioned some steps to remove them.

Note: Make sure to change the Update Settings to Manual.

  1. First, open Run on your PC.
  2. Then, type “MSConfig.”
  3. Next, head to the Services tab.
  4. Now, check the box next to Hide all Microsoft services.
  5. Then, click on the Services Cell to sort all options in alphabetical order.
  6. Next, unmark the Nahimic service, click Apply, and then OK.
  7. Now, open this PC and do a right-click, then select Properties.
  8. Then, click on Device Manager.
  9. Next, expand controllers such as sound, video, and games.
  10. Then delete the Nahimic mirroring device.
  11. Hence, your Nahimic Companion app will be removed shortly.

Hopefully, we can now expect that you all have accurate content about the Nahimic Audio Driver Doing Malfunction: Here are the steps to remove the Nahimic Companion App. Also, it is well known that the steps to remove the Nahimic companion app from your PC are: 


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