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How Android is winning over Apple’s arrogance

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Android and Apple are dominant players in the smartphone industry, locked in a rivalry that has shaped the mobile landscape for numerous years. If you look at the numbers, Android dominates globally with over 70% market share, while Apple holds 28%, particularly in the premium segment.

You might be surprised to know that even though Apple has established a strong presence in the premium segment, Android is gaining attention these days. Android’s open-source nature has fostered a thriving developer community, leading to constant innovation and app development. Additionally, its affordability makes it accessible to a wide user base. So, let us explore why Android dominates Apple.

Unveiling Android’s Triumph: Breaking Down Apple’s Arrogance

We have already highlighted the significant impact of Android’s influence on Apple sales, as shown by market share insights. However, market share alone cannot determine whether Android truly wins over Apple. Taking that into consideration, we will now discuss a few aspects from different perspectives to understand which platform is gaining the upper hand.

Android’s Open Ecosystem

Android’s ecosystem is like an open book, with a thriving community of users, developers, and manufacturers, all empowered by the platform’s core principles of customization, diversity, and inclusivity. This open ecosystem has fueled Android’s meteoric rise, making it the world’s most popular operating system. To better understand it, let us go through the following points:

  • Android allows you to express your style with diverse customization options.
  • Users have granular control over features like battery optimization.
  • Rooting options are always open for Android users.
  • Being an open platform, anyone can develop and publish apps without struggling with strict app approval processes like Apple.
  • Android users have the option to download apps from diverse pathways.

Apple’s closed ecosystem

In contrast to Android’s open ecosystem, Apple’s ecosystem is more restricted and limited. Apple’s ecosystem thrives on tight control, limited accessibility, and a focus on the user experience. While these aspects provide certain advantages to users, they also raise concerns about user freedom and market competition. To better understand Apple, let us go through the following points:

  • Apple controls the only gateway for apps, and users need more clarity about strict approval processes.
  • The integration between hardware and software at Apple is much tighter. You can only use iPhone accessories from Apple or authorized brands.
  • Although iOS provides a few customization options, widgets, and launcher accessibility are only available on Android.
  • When rolling out updates, Apple maintains limited control over eligible users.
  • The App Store’s 30% commission poses a challenge for various dominant developers, raising concerns about Apple’s profit margin and fairness for app creators.

User Experience

Apart from the ecosystem, the dominance of any one platform depends on the user experience. And you know the user interface can improve the user experience. For this, we tried to figure out the difference between both platforms. Fortunately, we found something that we are going to share below.

  • Android’s open nature allows for extensive personalization, but the same is rigid with Apple, resulting in increased demand for Android.
  • With Android, you have a back button and a recent app menu that offers a straightforward way to navigate, while with Apple, there is no such option, which again raises preference for Android.
  • Android phones have space for experimental features like split-screen and picture-in-picture modes, which create a diverse interface. But with Apple, there is no such opportunity.

Innovation and adaptability

Whether your phone has limited or advanced features, this statement would be acceptable when there is hope that your phone manufacturer will innovate. If you know that your phone manufacturer does not innovate or introduces new things at a slower pace, then in such cases, you will gradually fall behind in the market. Something similar is happening at Apple. You can understand this aspect with reference to the points below.

  • Being open source, Android allows rapid development and integration of new technologies, while Apple tests new features for a long time, resulting in a slower pace of innovation.
  • Android devices are known for their early adoption of features like foldable displays, but Apple takes time to adapt to new features as they focus on the user experience, for which they thoroughly test new things before finalizing applications.
  • Apple’s tight hardware and software integration limits flexibility for third-party innovation, but Android has no such barrier to stop it.


To sum up, the examination of Android’s rise over Apple’s perceived arrogance reveals a compelling narrative. The recap underscores Android’s open ecosystem, user-centric approach, and adaptability, illustrating its positive trajectory in the mobile realm. As we reflect on these key points, it becomes evident that the evolving mobile landscape is favoring Android’s inclusive and innovative ethos. Ultimately, the conclusion invites us to witness and appreciate the ongoing evolution in the mobile industry, with Android at the forefront of positive change.

Frequently asked questions

Q1. In what ways is Android better than Apple?

Ans. With Android, you can manage files with more freedom compared to Apple.

Q2. Is Android or Apple more successful?

Ans. It may be a controversial answer, but the current Android market share indicates its success.

Q3. Which country uses iPhones the most?

Ans. The United States is the country where iPhones are used the most.

Ans. Numerous factors like customization, market, and affordability make Android more popular than the iPhone.